At least once in a lifetime, everyone should visit beauty salon for a massage. Why? The reason is very simple. Massage is an extraordinary beauty and medical treatment. It perfectly relaxes body and mind.

Classical massage is one of the most popular types of the massage. It works on skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, joints and circulatory and nervous system through manual treatments on the surface of the body. It means that thanks to the massage we not only improve skin condition, but also condition of the whole body. In general we can distinguish two types of the classical massage: general and partial. First of them, general classical massage, relates to the whole body, but partial classical massage – only to the chosen parts of the body (upper and lower limbs, back, head).

Classical massage has positive influence on blood circulation in the skin cells and the acceleration of cellular metabolism, it modifies nerve conduction, helps in removing dead skin cells, ventilates and nourishes the skin, influences body’s immunity system, strengthens joints and connected to it ligaments, regenerates tissues and muscles. Additionally, has relaxing and calming properties. Classical massage is recommended for people of any age, sex, skin type or body type. For a doctor’s or masseur’s consult should ask people who struggle with more serious rheumatic diseases or skin conditions.

Not only beauty salons, beauty parlours or SPA offer massages. Classical massage is used in treatment of orthopaedic or neurological diseases, but also many more conditions. It helps loosen tense muscles, regenerate joints and moisture the skin. To perform medical massage or classical massage are necessary oils, creams or medical ointments. The ingredients contained in them will absorb much faster when combined with right massage technique. Our skin and body will be very grateful.