Nourishing hair from within is one of basic rules in hair care. Providing hair with proper amount of nourishing ingredients is a necessity if we want to have healthy, strong and well nourished hair. It is worth to know, which nourishing ingredients are particularly loved by our hair.

Silicon – not without reason all dietary supplements for healthy hair and finger nails are enriched with silicon. It is because silicon is a natural substance of the hair. Unfortunately, body pretty quickly removes silicon, so it needs to be refilled. This element strengthens hair and accelerates their growth.

Zinc – second of elements recommended for hair is zinc, because it fulfils similar principle. Deliver body with proper amount of zinc is extremely relevant for preservation of good hair condition.

Proteins and sulphur amino acids – both ingredients are natural parts of hair structure, which provide healthy hair. If you want your hair to be thicker and stronger then necessarily supply body with sulphur and proteins.

Vitamins from B group – there is no point to enumerate positive influence of each of vitamins from B group, because all of them fulfil the same job: they regulate secretion of sebum on scalp, nourish and regenerate hair structure, slower ageing processes, smoother hair and add gloss. You should enrich your diet with vitamins from B group, like – folic acid, biotin, inositol, niacin, B1, B2, B5 and B6.

Vitamin C – is yet another essential vitamin for hair, which is necessary for preservation of bounce and elasticity of hair. It is a natural ingredient required for production of hair shaft structure, i.e. keratin fibres.

Vitamin A – vitamin responsible for chemical composition of natural protective barrier of skin, i.e. lipid layer ensuring proper skin hydration and its protection.

Vitamin E – called youth vitamin, which accelerates hair growth and is an antioxidant, that protects roots against toxic influence of free radicals.

Iron – one of basic elements, which decides about right hair structure and rate at which hair grow.

Magnesium – nourishing ingredient necessary for preservation of right hair condition.

Calcium – element with strengthening and accelerating growth properties.